From Novi Sad direction:
Road 107 from Sremska Kamenica to Beocin is recommended. The driver should not enter Beocin but follow the bypass road (2-3 km) to the crossroad, where the entry to the cement plant stays on the left side, while the turn to Cerevic is on the right side and the driver should turn slightly right, following a road leading up the hill. When at the crossroad on the top of Fruska Gora, the driver should keep driving down straight and the road will take them to Besenovacki Prnjavor village. At the very entry to the village is a crossroad, where sharp 330° right turn should be made and, after several hundred meters, the driver gets to the Monastery.
From Belgrade direction:
The driver should leave the Belgrade – Zagreb highway at Sremska Mitrovica exit and follow the 103-2 road leading to Veliki Radinci village. There the driver should turn left to the road 106 leading to Stejanovci village and, after a few kilometers, they will get to the left turn for Besenovo village, from where the road will take them directly to Besenovacki Prnjavor village, where the Monastery is.
From Ilok direction:
Road 107 from Ilok to Nestin, Susek, Banostor, Cerevic and Beocin is recommended. Before entry to Beocin, the driver sees the entry to the local cement plant, where they should turn right, following the road leading up the hill. When at the crossroad on the top of Fruska Gora, the driver should keep driving down straight and the road will take them to Besenovacki Prnjavor village. At the very entry in the village is a crossroad, where sharp 330° right turn should be made and, after several hundred meters, the driver gets to the Monastery.